History of PASH
Paradise Animal Shelter Helpers (PASH) had its very humble beginnings in 1986 when two women, Margaret Schwenger and Joan Anderson, collected blankets so the dogs at the Paradise Animal Shelter could have a soft, warm place to sleep. The two then noted that there was no laundry at the shelter with which to clean the soiled blankets. For the next few months they took it home and laundered it on a weekly basis of up to 30 loads per week. Now that's dedication.
For the next few years, PASH grew and was able to make a greater contribution to the wellbeing of the animals at the shelter. Volunteers were recruited and the group grew. They had enough other people interested in volunteering at the Paradise Animal Shelter that it was decided they should incorporate; in 1989 they received their tax exempt 501(c) 3 status.
PASH is a non-profit, all volunteer group whose main function is to provide for the welfare of the animals of Paradise once they reach the shelter, and to assist the community with its animal welfare needs. PASH is a 100% volunteer organization; we have no paid employees. We are a separate organization from Paradise Animal Control. Paradise Animal Control (and the animal shelter) is run by the Paradise Police Department. Its main goals are to perform animal control (policing) functions: issue citations, enforce leash laws, rabies control, dog licensing, and to perform those duties and supply the personnel necessary for the basic care of the animals at the shelter. The majority of funding for the shelter and animal control comes from a special tax which was tax-payer approved by "Measure N" in 2004. Other sources of funding for the Paradise Animal Shelter come from adoptions, impounds, licensing and donations. Donations and fees paid to the Paradise Animal Shelter may be used to maintain the building and vehicles, pay salaries and employee retirement.
Funding for PASH is provided by the generosity of the community through donations. Donations made to PASH are used for the direct care of the animals. We support the efforts of the town and we work closely with the Paradise Animal Shelter to benefit the animals of the ridge. We contribute to the animals’ wellbeing by purchasing medicines and vaccines. We pay for the spay/neutering of animals when adopted. We purchase any supplements or specific foods to meet the special dietary need of shelter guests, such as food for puppies and kittens during season. We are proud of our fostering program in which volunteers care for animals whose condition prevents them from staying at the shelter. We provide all of the creature comforts for the animals such as beds, blankets, food and toys.
We thank you for your support.
Paradise Animal Shelter Helpers