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            PASH Kicks Off 

Fundraising Campaign


PASH has recently begun efforts to raise $1,000,000 to expand and renovate the Animal Shelter at 925 American Way.  The existing building was constructed in 1981, and has had no improvements in the last 41 years.  It is woefully inadequate to shelter even its current maximum capacity of 8 cats and 19 dogs. So, a team from Animal Arts in Boulder, Colorado, specializing in animal shelter design, was enlisted by PASH to create the plans for a much improved shelter for housing our community’s displaced pets.  The new design includes: 


  • More than doubling the capacity for the cat population

  • Improved outdoor access and exercise areas for both cats and dogs

  • A meet and greet room for people to interact with potential adoptees

  • Separate cat and dog isolation and quarantine areas

  • Enhanced public reception and staff work areas

  • Much needed exam, treatment and bathing rooms

  • An indoor storage room for shelter supplies


Our Town Council has agreed to fund the building structure. PASH has committed to raising the $1,000,000 needed to infill the new building, renovate the existing facility, and develop the adjacent property as exercise/meet and greet yards for the shelter population.    


Our goal is to expand and improve the Paradise Animal Shelter facility, increase services, and showcase the commitment of the Town of Paradise to the welfare and safety of our community’s pets and wildlife. 


Please consider joining us in this noble effort to support our local animals in need with a tax-deductible contribution. Any amount helps and will be deeply appreciated by our beloved pet population and the recovering community of Paradise.  

$600,000 RAISED SO FAR!

Please join us in helping to raise the funds necessary to achieve this much needed community asset. 

Click on the “Donate" button below.

Thank You To Our Donors!

Anthony & Gloria Post 

Art & Joan Colyer

Beth Dunn 

Debbie Kennedy 

Elaine Radford & Jimmy Radford, SR

Ellen Michels 

Girls on the Run Paradise Ridge C/O Suzanne


Golden Valley Bank Community Foundation

James Umenhofer 

Gloria Rodgers 

Paradise Rotary Club

Tom and Kim Stewart

DJ Mathews

Jean M. Brown

Norma Allen

Patricia Zinn

Trish Bell

Bille and Don Estrada

Mootz Financial Services

Lorna Thomas

Kathleen Kahler-McLane

Mary Ann & Gene Robinson

Deborah Stouff

Thomas Lee

Brooks Thorlakson

Leslie Timm

North Valley Community Foundation

Karen Gienger 

Margaret Schwenger Trust

Paradise Rotary Club

Patricia Diridoni

Rosemary Umenhofer

Strata Marble & Granite Inc. 

Thomas & Pam Baker

Victor & Pamela McBurney

William L. Teague Trust 

Michael R. Bush, Attorney at Law

Phillips Trust

Bill and Sharon Simonton

Levin Law Group PLC

Loretta Ann Martin

Christine Hill

Joseph Earley

Deborah Rossi

Nigal and Delores Parkhurst

Marilyn J. Allen & Richard Torres


Lydia Schulerud Endowment Fund

Estate of Barbara Battaglia

Margaret Dunbar

Spiro Lougaris

Donna Ripley in Memory of Ray and LaVerne Payne

Erin Viruetta

Donate Now

Help us make a difference


Thank you for your donation!

© 2021 by PASH


PO BOX 1021

Paradise, Ca 95967


​Follow PASH on facebook

Paradise Animal Shelter

925 American Way

Paradise, Ca 95969


Shelter Hours

Tuesday- Sat 11am-3pm

Closed Holidays

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